Copyright 2025, Behind the Scenes Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
The BTS Pledge-a-Service program provides a great way to support the charity and give back to your industry on an ongoing basis through the work that you do. Do you offer design, consultation, installation, repair, or other professional services that would benefit from industry exposure by being linked to a charity contribution? The Behind the Scenes Pledge-a-Service program is a win for everyone. It allows you to show your support for your colleagues in need while giving your employees and your customers the knowledge they’re doing their part to give back.
To participate, you designate a service to benefit Behind the Scenes and pledge a portion of the profits to the charity. Companies have used the program to bring increased exposure to an existing service and others have used it to help promote the launch of a new service.
Behind the Scenes works with each participant to structure an arrangement that works for you and meets your commercial needs. Most participants internally determine the percentage of profits that will be donated but choose to keep that percentage confidential while actively publicizing the amount of their donation. You may issue checks to the charity at whatever schedule is most convenient for you. Current participants range from a monthly to an annual basis.
The Pledge-a-Service program provides a wide variety of ongoing marketing opportunities for participants. Behind the Scenes works closely with you to ensure the program meets your needs. Once you have decided on your designated service and determined a launch date we will work with you to craft and issue a press release announcing your participation. You will also appear on the Behind the Scenes website with a link to your website, on signage that appears at industry trade shows and events, and included in all program mentions.
Trade shows make a good forum for check presentations as they provide an excellent photo opportunity for you to present a check in front of your company branding on your booth if you are exhibiting or at the Behind the Scenes both if you are not. The photo is posted on social media and accompanies the press release that is issued with each check presentation. Even those participants that choose to mail in a check on a regular basis can stage a photo opportunity with a “presentation” check.
To discuss your participation, please contact Emily Drew at [email protected] or 716 221 4533.
Copyright 2025, Behind the Scenes Foundation. All Rights Reserved.