Copyright 2025, Behind the Scenes Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
The Behind the Scenes Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization established in early 2005 to create and support charitable programs for the entertainment technology industry. Our tax ID number is 38-3715781. Behind the Scenes’ financial statements and 990 tax returns are available upon request.
To provide a safety net for entertainment technology professionals who are seriously ill or injured or in need of mental health or substance use support.
The Behind the Scenes charity issues Basic Needs grants to entertainment technology professionals, or their immediate dependent family, in need due to serious illness or injury that may be used for basic living or medical expenses. BTS also issues Counseling grants to entertainment technology professionals to assist with the costs of seeing a therapist or addiction rehab. The BTS Mental Health Initiative provides tools and resources that support all entertainment industry workers to promote mental health and wellness.
We believe racism has no place in our world or in our industry. We are trying to help build an industry where we all take care of each other physically, emotionally and mentally; where concern for fairness, kindness, understanding, and emotional wellness take precedence.
We condemn violence, hatred and injustice. We believe that an injustice against one person is an injustice against all people. We stand with the many who have peacefully protested and hope our voices are heard loud and clear and pave the way to lasting change.
Behind the Scenes was founded to provide assistance to entertainment technology professionals in need, no matter what color their skin, the language they speak, the religion they follow, or gender or sexuality they identify as. Our motto is, “Don’t leave your colleagues in the dark.” We want to shine a light into the dark corners of violence, hatred and injustice. We want to shine a light on this moment and the opportunity it represents; to become a better world that respects and protects the rights of every individual. A world that provides equal access to justice, economic opportunity, health care, and all-embracing social freedom.
Copyright 2025, Behind the Scenes Foundation. All Rights Reserved.