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Meeting ID: 901 743 5208

Steering Committee

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 24th at 4pm EST / 2pm MST / 1pm PST

Homework: Submit your thoughts on training regarding psychologically safe spaces to Lori by Wednesday, February 3rd.

Review Dominic’s draft survey and provide feedback by February 15th.

Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation Task Group

Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 23rd at 2:00pm EST / 11:00am PST

Homework: Review “Bystander Intervention 2-10-21.docx” and bring your comments to the meeting.

Members: Ali, David, Dominic, Jennifer, Jillian, Judy, Raul, Samantha, Shelley 

Mental Health First Aid Task Group

Next Meeting: No meeting scheduled. Waiting for access to online material.

Homework: Review Scenarios and submit any comments to Lori by January 15th. Once we have access to online material,  Christine, Naomi and Roz to work on anxiety/depression bullet points.

Members: Bryan, Christine, Hannah, Naomi, Pat, Roz, Shelley 

Toolbox Talks Task Group

Next Meeting: No meeting scheduled

Homework: Submit your 90 second  Toolbox Talk based on the language examples in our document to Lori by January 13th, along with any comments on the two completed web pages: Toolbox Talks and Put Together Your Toolbox Talk

Members: Alison, Bryan, Christine, Dominic, Jennifer, Jillian, Samantha, Shelley 

Training Task Group

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 17th at 4:00pm EST / 1:00pm PST

Homework: Taryn and Roz to take feedback from Steering Committee Members on what they would expect to see included if they were going to take a training on psychologically safe spaces and flesh out a basic document showing what would be necessary to cover in a training. 

Members: Dominic, Greg, Jennifer, Naomi, Roz, Shelley, Taryn