As part of the Behind the Scenes (BTS) Mental Health Initiative, BTS and LDI are bringing the Wellness Lounge (Booth #1100) to LDI 2024, December 8-10 in Las Vegas. The Wellness Lounge offers attendees a safe space to learn about mental and physical health through daily presentations and activities. All day, attendees can take advantage of one-on-one consultations with presenters. Click on the titles below to see descriptions of the presentations.
Overdose prevention training provided by There is No Hero in Heroin Foundation will be offered throughout the show. The training covers basic harm reduction principles, basic harm reduction techniques for those with active use, how to identify and respond to an opioid overdose, and how to administer Narcan®. At the end of each free training, certificates of completion and an Overdose Response kit with 2 Nasal Narcan® doses will be provided to all participants.
Attendees can stop by the lounge anytime and visit the Behind the Scenes team to learn about the Mental Health Initiative’s extensive tools and resources and receive valuable information participants can share with their companies, on the jobsite, or at their union hall.
BTS and LDI invite all exhibitors and attendees to join our “We’re Shining a Light on Mental Health” campaign to help reduce the stigma and encourage people to speak openly about mental health and substance use issues. The booth staff of exhibitors supporting the campaign will be wearing a “We’re Shining a Light on Mental Health” button and attendees can pick up their own at the Wellness Lounge.
All registration options, including Expo Hall Pass, provide access to the Wellness Lounge.
Come for free coffee to get your day started and learn about the Behind the Scenes Mental Health Initiative and all the offerings at the Wellness Lounge.
If you have time for a cup of coffee, you can do this brief yoga practice. No special costumes, props, yoga mats, or experience are required. This simple combination of small movements and breathing can be the same as your first cup of coffee every day. Come wearing jeans, a business suit, or a skirt/kilt. It will only take 15 minutes of your day!
Most of us are woefully unaware of the myriad of processes in our bodies while we sleep. In this session, we will talk briefly about why we get sleepy and some of the healthful things that occur in the various stages of sleep. This 30-minute session is presented by retired Safety & Training Director of IATSE Local 16, Eddie Raymond.
Although the mind and body are often viewed as separate, mental and physical health are closely related. Good mental health can positively affect your physical health. Similarly, poor mental health can negatively affect your physical health and seriously impact your everyday life. In this 20-minute session, learn some techniques for helping balance your mind and body backstage, on set, or in the office. Join Jillian Beggs, IATSE member and Founder of Creative Minds Coaching for this presentation.
What kind of say do we have in our mental health at work? How can we make our own choices to better our current well-being? Here, we will address the concept of Agency and how we apply it to the complicated power dynamics of the entertainment industry. Please join Mental Health First Aid instructor and IATSE Local One Member Kayleigh Truman for this informative talk.
Provided by the There is No Hero in Heroin Foundation, the training covers basic harm reduction principles, basic harm reduction techniques for those with active use, how to identify and respond to an opioid overdose, and how to administer Narcan®. At the end of each free training, an Overdose Response kit with 2 Nasal Narcan® doses will be provided to all participants while supplies last.
BTS Executive Director Lori Rubinstein will provide a 20-minute overview of the many tools and resources available under the charity’s Mental Health Initiative, including suicide prevention resources, substance use information for all those impacted, the Entertainment Industry Therapist Finder, resources to fight bullying and harassment, Mental Health First Aid Training, an anonymous self-assessment tool, and sample language on mental health for safety briefings and meetings.
Provided by the There is No Hero in Heroin Foundation, the training covers basic harm reduction principles, basic harm reduction techniques for those with active use, how to identify and respond to an opioid overdose, and how to administer Narcan®. At the end of each free training, an Overdose Response kit with 2 Nasal Narcan® doses will be provided to all participants while supplies last.
Do you know how to safely intervene if you see a co-worker being bullied or intimidated? Did you know there are different ways to intervene to match your comfort level? Learn about practical techniques to assist yourself and others in these all-too-common situations in the workplace as Behind the Scenes presents the 5Ds of Bystander Intervention developed by Right To Be. This 20-minute session is presented by Jillian Beggs, IATSE member and Founder of Creative Minds Coaching.
In an industry structured around “efficiency” and pragmatism, little or no credence is given to the long-lasting damage done to our brains and bodies when we are regularly deprived of proper sleep. In this session, we will look at various afflictions caused by this reality and some strategies to get better sleep. This 30-minute session is presented by retired Safety & Training Director of IATSE Local 16, Eddie Raymond.
Provided by the There is No Hero in Heroin Foundation, the training covers basic harm reduction principles, basic harm reduction techniques for those with active use, how to identify and respond to an opioid overdose, and how to administer Narcan®. At the end of each free training, an Overdose Response kit with 2 Nasal Narcan® doses will be provided to all participants while supplies last.
Luther Bell, Corporate A/V Consultant and consistent traveler, offers easy-to-implement information to guide you through the basics of making better food choices. From gas stations to grocery stores, you’ll learn about food combinations that you can adapt to your situation.
More than ever, individuals and organizations working in entertainment need support in creating mentally healthy workplaces. For leadership and our co-workers, embracing mental health as a priority can be challenging. In this session, we discuss available resources, guides, and standards to help establish mental health and wellness policies and procedures for organizations and companies. Join us for this 20-minute presentation and discussion with Steven Michelman, Co-chair of ESTA’s new Mental Health and Well-Being Working Group.
Come for free coffee to get your day started and learn about the Behind the Scenes Mental Health Initiative and all the offerings at the Wellness Lounge.
If you have time for a cup of coffee, you can do this brief yoga practice. No special costumes, props, yoga mats, or experience are required. This simple combination of small movements and breathing can be the same as your first cup of coffee every day. Come wearing jeans, a business suit, or a skirt/kilt. It will only take 15 minutes of your day!
Mental Health First Aid instructor and IATSE Local One Member Kayleigh Truman answers these questions and more in a 20-minute talk: How do you begin to better the mental health culture in your workplace? Where do you start? How do you broach change? Kayleigh will discuss various options, including no-cost and low-cost options, that you can use right now to better your workplace. You can take actionable steps to get the ball rolling, along with helpful tips to encourage your employer to get on board.
In an industry structured around “efficiency” and pragmatism, little or no credence is given to the long-lasting damage done to our brains and bodies when we are regularly deprived of proper sleep. In this session, we will look at various afflictions caused by this reality and some strategies to get better sleep. This 30-minute session is presented by retired Safety & Training Director of IATSE Local 16, Eddie Raymond.
Luther Bell, Corporate A/V Consultant and consistent traveler, offers easy-to-implement information to guide you through the basics of making better food choices. From gas stations to grocery stores, you’ll learn about food combinations that you can adapt to your situation.
Provided by the There is No Hero in Heroin Foundation, the training covers basic harm reduction principles, basic harm reduction techniques for those with active use, how to identify and respond to an opioid overdose, and how to administer Narcan®. At the end of each free training, an Overdose Response kit with 2 Nasal Narcan® doses will be provided to all participants while supplies last.
Most of us are woefully unaware of the myriad of processes in our bodies while we sleep. In this session, we will talk briefly about why we get sleepy and some of the healthful things that occur in the various stages of sleep. This 30-minute session is presented by retired Safety & Training Director of IATSE Local 16, Eddie Raymond.
Provided by the There is No Hero in Heroin Foundation, the training covers basic harm reduction principles, basic harm reduction techniques for those with active use, how to identify and respond to an opioid overdose, and how to administer Narcan®. At the end of each free training, an Overdose Response kit with 2 Nasal Narcan® doses will be provided to all participants while supplies last.
Although the mind and body are often viewed as separate, mental and physical health are closely related. Good mental health can positively affect your physical health. Similarly, poor mental health can negatively affect your physical health and seriously impact your everyday life. In this 20-minute session, learn some techniques for helping balance your mind and body backstage, on set, or in the office. Join Jillian Beggs, IATSE member and Founder of Creative Minds Coaching for this presentation.
What kind of say do we have in our mental health at work? How can we make our own choices to better our current well-being? Here, we will address the concept of Agency and how we apply it to the complicated power dynamics of the entertainment industry. Please join Mental Health First Aid instructor and IATSE Local One Member Kayleigh Truman for this informative talk.
Provided by the There is No Hero in Heroin Foundation, the training covers basic harm reduction principles, basic harm reduction techniques for those with active use, how to identify and respond to an opioid overdose, and how to administer Narcan®. At the end of each free training, an Overdose Response kit with 2 Nasal Narcan® doses will be provided to all participants while supplies last.
We have all come across a situation where someone you worked with showed clear signs of problematic use of drugs or alcohol in the workplace. Have you wondered why you might want to help – and how you could help? Have you wondered if you have obligations based on your position? This preview of a webinar being developed by the Behind the Scenes Substance Use Task Group will provide answers to some of these questions and help prepare you to take positive action. Presented by task group member David Lincecum, ETC Vice President of High-End Systems and International Operations.
ETC Vice President of High-End Systems and International Operations David Lincecum asks, “Are you sober or sober-curious?” One of the more challenging times may be when you are in social situations – parties, bars, and dinners. This talk will offer strategies for having a great time – and being sober while doing it.
Come for free coffee to get your day started and learn about the Behind the Scenes Mental Health Initiative and all the offerings at the Wellness Lounge.
If you have time for a cup of coffee, you can do this brief yoga practice. No special costumes, props, yoga mats, or experience are required. This simple combination of small movements and breathing can be the same as your first cup of coffee every day. Come wearing jeans, a business suit, or a skirt/kilt. It will only take 15 minutes of your day!
Do you know how to safely intervene if you see a co-worker being bullied or intimidated? Did you know there are different ways to intervene to match your comfort level? Learn about practical techniques to assist yourself and others in these all-too-common situations in the workplace as Behind the Scenes presents the 5Ds of Bystander Intervention developed by Right To Be. This 20-minute session is presented by Jillian Beggs, IATSE member and Founder of Creative Minds Coaching.
Most of us are woefully unaware of the myriad of processes in our bodies while we sleep. In this session, we will talk briefly about why we get sleepy and some of the healthful things that occur in the various stages of sleep. This 30-minute session is presented by retired Safety & Training Director of IATSE Local 16, Eddie Raymond.
In an industry structured around “efficiency” and pragmatism, little or no credence is given to the long-lasting damage done to our brains and bodies when we are regularly deprived of proper sleep. In this session, we will look at various afflictions caused by this reality and some strategies to get better sleep. This 30-minute session is presented by retired Safety & Training Director of IATSE Local 16, Eddie Raymond.
Copyright 2025, Behind the Scenes Foundation. All Rights Reserved.