The Entertainment Industry Therapist Finder (EITF) only includes listings for mental health professionals in the US and Canada who have previously worked with clients in the entertainment industry or who have personal professional experience in the industry themselves. After initially entering your geographic information (zip or city), you can search on a wide number of fields to find a therapist that seems right for you. This includes insurance, specialties, type of therapy, gender, language, availability, etc.
With most therapy happening remotely these days, if you don’t find a match close to your home don’t hesitate to widen your search proximity. The therapist just needs to be licensed in your state. And if you have a hard time finding a therapist who accepts your insurance, don’t hesitate to contact someone that seems a good match and ask if they’ll work with you on a sliding scale. If you are looking for a search option that doesn’t appear, such as more options under the therapist’s gender, it means there are currently no EITF therapists who identify with that option.
The EITF was developed in response to an industry survey conducted in the fall of 2019 where the responses revealed just how prevalent the problem of finding therapists who understand something about the unique culture and stresses of the entertainment industry is. Many respondents expressed frustration with therapists who consistently made suggestions that were unrealistic given the long working hours and employment challenges so many in our industry face. They also expressed the difficulty of scheduling appointments with therapists who kept only 9 to 5 office hours.
If you know of a therapist in the US or Canada with the required experience, please tell them about the finder and ask them to email [email protected] to receive a special discount code. You can also send their email address to [email protected] and we will reach out to them. We will continue to actively recruit therapists for the finder that meet the industry’s needs.
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