In response to a request from the industry for therapists who understand something about the unique culture and stresses of the entertainment industry, we have partnered with HelpPro to create a database of therapists who have previously seen clients who are professionals in the entertainment industry, or who have personal professional experience in the industry themselves. You will be able to search for a therapist by a range of criteria that is important to you.
If you don’t find a therapist currently listed in your area please check back as we will continually be adding new listings. Remember that most therapists also see clients via phone and/or video, so you can work with a therapist in any location as long as they are licensed in your state.
If you know if a therapist who would be appropriate for the finder, please email their contact information to [email protected].
Live, on‑demand video visits with a therapist.
Search APA members by specialty or state.
Offers individual, family, and child virtual therapy at a low cost. Therapists can be accessed via texting, email, phone, or video chat.
Group video meetings led by trained facilitators.
Search by zip code, city or state and key words. (U.S.) (Canada)
Find a therapist, treatment center or support group by city or zip/postal code.
Search for a therapist by zip or postal code.
Provides free 24/7 chat. Online professional therapists are also available for a fee.
Provides free, peer-led support and chat groups. Conversations are moderated to prevent discrimination or aggression.
Offers individual, family, and child virtual therapy at a low cost. Therapists can be accessed via texting, email, phone, or video chat.
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