Golden Ghostlight Runners


The Golden Ghostlight Runners are a passionate group of industry professionals dedicated to uplifting our community by supporting Behind the Scenes. In 2024, we grew from a single runner to 35 runners representing 25 companies worldwide! We’ve participated in races across 15 cities, in 2 countries, covering over 360.4 miles (580.8 km) while raising over $1,400 for the Behind the Scenes Foundation to support entertainment professionals in need… and we’re just getting started!

Whether you’re a seasoned runner, walker, or wheelchair participant, there’s a place for everyone in our community.

To join the fun, email Amy D Lux at [email protected] or donate below. Together, we’re lighting the way for our industry, one step at a time.

(Please enter in dollars and cents: xx.xx - do not include a $ sign)